Osteopathische Therapie



Since 2015, coordination of research in the context of degree theses by IAO students in German-


speaking countries - four resulting projects:


  • Osteopathy for infantile postural asymmetry (ObiH)
  • Osteopathy for cervicogenic headache (OZKS),
  • Osteopathy for cervicothoracic outlet syndrome (OTOS),
  • Osteopathy for low back pain (OLBP)


Book projects: Co-authorship of the textbook by Kia, T.: Integrative Osteopathie bei Rückenschmerz. Urban & Fischer/ Elsevier 2013




  • Klemm, S., Spiertz, M., Asche, M., 2022. ObiH - Osteopathy for infantile postural asymmetry and plagiocephaly (Part 2). Osteopat. Medicine 23, 26-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1615-9071(22)00114-9
  • Spiertz, M., Asche, M., Klemm, S., 2022. ObiH - Osteopathy for infantile postural asymmetry and plagiocephaly (Part 1). Osteopat. Medicine 23, 20-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1615-9071(22)00113-7
  • Klemm, S.: Occlusion disorders and mobility of the cervical spine. Manual Medicine 2009; 47(6):255-60
  • Klemm, S.: Interactions between the Craniomandibular System and Cervical Spine. Diplomica Publishing House 2008
  • Klemm, S.; Borgmann, B.; Lüssenhop, S.: The little back primer of the Rehberg Clinic. Clinic brochure of the Rehberg-Klinik; specialised clinic for orthopaedics and internal medicine 2002
  •  Klemm, S.: A small joint with a big impact. Head-shoulder-neck problems or just a temporomandibular joint problem? ClicClac 2009; 56: 10-1



Lecturing/ symposia:

  •  2022 Presentation of the study "Osteopathy in cervicogenic headache" at the annual conference of the OEGO - Austrian Society for Osteopathy
  • 2016 International Conference on Research in Osteopathic Medicine (ICROM 1, Munich) "Treatment of positional plagiocephaly in infantile postural asymmetry"
  • 2016 Society for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Cooperation in the Healthcare Sector (GIZ Focus Days, Vienna): Lecture "Osteopathy and cervicogenic headache"
  • 2015 Day of Science of the Osteopathy School Germany (Berlin): Lecture "Occlusion disorders and effects on the cervical spine and LBH region"
  • 2013 GIZ Focus Days (Vienna): Lecture "Osteopathy for unspecific low back pain"